Monday, May 16, 2011

Update Time!! Can You Dig It??

No. You cannot dig it. My freaking shovel broke.

Look Shovelina, it's obvious only one of us is committed to this project. You think you're so special?? I dig, and I dig, and I dig, and what do you do for me? I'm through with yo rusty ass! Oh, you think I NEEEED you??

You must not know 'bout me, you must not know 'bout me
I can have another you by tomorrow
So don't you ever for a second get to're irreplaceable


...'Cause the truth of the matter is [going to Home Depot and] replacing you was so easyYYYyyyYYyyyyy

Alright, now that THAT'S taken care of...on to the real updates! Although I haven't updated the blog in a few weeks, I've actually been decently productive:

I took the frame off my slab (hence the pile of wood in my yard)

I know what you're thinking, "I didn't know there was a Lego kit for pizza ovens!!!" I had to make two trips to haul home these 38 double and 4 single blocks. The hardest part was actually trying to explain to the Home Depot employee what I meant by "Big-Boy Legos"

So...I still have to fill these holes with concrete so this thing won't budge, but I wanted to make sure I had the right number of blocks.

I've also got an update on my garden! You say tomato, I say "it just looks like a tiny stem to me!" I know I know, it's still early. It'll get better with thyme (teehehehehehe!!!!)

I'll tell you what I WON'T be growing in my garden: gonorrhea

Ok, someone back me up here. Does this not look like it says "gonorrhea" when you read it upside down?? Well that's what I thought when I saw it like this on the counter one morning (btw Garo, false alarm, Jackie apparently brought "Gomphrena" into our home...sorry for the mix-up)

So what's next you ask??
  1. Fillin' up those "Big Boy Legos" with concrete
  2. Adding some herbs to the garden
  3. Ordering bricks!

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