Look Shovelina, it's obvious only one of us is committed to this project. You think you're so special?? I dig, and I dig, and I dig, and what do you do for me? I'm through with yo rusty ass! Oh, you think I NEEEED you??
You must not know 'bout me, you must not know 'bout me
I can have another you by tomorrow
So don't you ever for a second get to thinking...you're irreplaceable
...'Cause the truth of the matter is [going to Home Depot and] replacing you was so easyYYYyyyYYyyyyy
Alright, now that THAT'S taken care of...on to the real updates! Although I haven't updated the blog in a few weeks, I've actually been decently productive:
I took the frame off my slab (hence the pile of wood in my yard)
I know what you're thinking, "I didn't know there was a Lego kit for pizza ovens!!!" I had to make two trips to haul home these 38 double and 4 single blocks. The hardest part was actually trying to explain to the Home Depot employee what I meant by "Big-Boy Legos"
So...I still have to fill these holes with concrete so this thing won't budge, but I wanted to make sure I had the right number of blocks.
I've also got an update on my garden! You say tomato, I say "it just looks like a tiny stem to me!" I know I know, it's still early. It'll get better with thyme (teehehehehehe!!!!)
I'll tell you what I WON'T be growing in my garden: gonorrhea
Ok, someone back me up here. Does this not look like it says "gonorrhea" when you read it upside down?? Well that's what I thought when I saw it like this on the counter one morning (btw Garo, false alarm, Jackie apparently brought "Gomphrena" into our home...sorry for the mix-up)
So what's next you ask??
- Fillin' up those "Big Boy Legos" with concrete
- Adding some herbs to the garden
- Ordering bricks!
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