Sunday, January 16, 2011

Concrete time...almost

I blame the weather. I was planning on pouring some concrete this weekend and having my slab done...but it decided to rain off and on last week and that messed up my plans...

Who am I kidding? I am freaking terrified to order this concrete! I need 60 80lb bags (that's 4,800 pounds! What the hell am I getting myself into???). Last week I figured "well instead of having to pay $70 to ship over two tons of concrete to my house, why don't I just go to Lowes every day after work and just buy ten bags at a time?" Seemed like a simple enough idea...except when I tried to pick up an 80lb bag of concrete mix it felt a lot more like 800!

Fortunately, Home Depot carries 60lb bags of concrete mix (so I'll need 80 bags...good thing I'm a CPA otherwise I may have had trouble figuring that out), which will be a little easier to carry. Although I decided I'm just going to splurge and have them deliver it - but getting 60lb bags will make it easier to dump the concrete mix into the mixer. Oh yeah, Home Depot also has a mixer I can rent for like $50 for the day...phew! I suppose if I order 40lb bags it would REALLY be easier to carry...but 120 bags of concrete...yeah I don't think so

Ok, so enough about me ALMOST buying 4,800 pounds of concrete. I was productive this weekend. Since I didn't have a hangover Saturday morning, I was able to wake up early (before noon...tee hee) and finally level the frame where this gigantic mound of brick oven awesomeness is gonna sit. Check it out:

Isn't it awesome?? I even left the level in the picture just so it looks more legit (you know, so it looks like a contractor did it rather than a forensic accountant). That thing is about 6.5 ft long and 5.5 ft wide, has a 1 ft by 1 ft footing around the edge, and the middle is 5 inches deep...and apparently will take a shitload of concrete to fill.

Next step: man up and order the damn concrete! =-O

1 comment:

  1. This has motivated me to dig a hole of equal dimensions right next to this one. But instead of being a pizza oven, it'll be a ball pit. A ball pit in your backyard! Boss!!

    Still not Carl, btw.
